Saturday, February 23, 2008

More Misc. Photos

This is the kitchen in our apartment.

We are talking beautiful here!! There are few flowers on the island. We thought there would be flowers everywhere, but there isn't and we don't know why. But this flowering tree is sure beautiful. It is clear on the other end of the atoll so we don't see it very often.

This is a picture of the Ajeltake Primary president and some of the Primary kids. Mom is going into the Primary and working with them on Sundays.

This is the Ajeltake Chapel. It is one the newer and bigger chapels on the island. We live about 8 miles west of the chapel. Tomorrow we have to transport a high councilman who is speaking in the Ajeltake Branch from Laura to here and take him home again.

This is a picture of a pandana on, guess what, a pandana tree. The natives like to eat these. They are a good source of Vitamin A (carotine). We have tried it but are not thrilled about it. It gets fibers in your teeth and really is not that flavorful. But we need to try everything once.

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