Monday, May 5, 2008

Take Me Out to the Ballgame!!!

Sorry to post so many pictures but there were a lot of ball games. All day Saturday I went to ballgames and took pictures of everybody. There were a couple that I missed and I'm sorry. I missed Kassidy's game. I didn't know she was playing and what time it was so there's no pictures of her. Sorry Kass. I also failed to take a picture of the Dodger's two coaches. Quint and Keri coach Trevin and Zeb's team.

Quade pitched for most of the game and will have to set out next game because he pitched so long this game.

Quade plays for the Braves.

Quade pitching to Kabe!

Kabe!!! He plays for the Dodgers. Mike Nay (from Central) is his coach.

Kabe pitches too for the Dodgers.

Here's Trevin getting another big hit in his game.

Zeb bats clean up because he is a HEAVY hitter!

Keldon got put in as catcher for the first time. He did a good job but he's not too sure he wants to do it again.


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